Style is not only how you are perceived on the outside but how you feel on the inside. Think about it. When you haven’t exercised or are a few pounds heavier, are you really going to want to wear that chic, tailored dress? No…you’re more opt to wear the bohemian dress that is looser around the belly and not as constricting. You probably don’t walk with the confidence as you would in a slimmer fitted dress. And  when you eat badly you certainly don’t feel as powerful or sexy as you would on a day when you exercise, eat well and drink water.

Summer is the time to drink Rose´and eat ice cream at night yet be in a bikini the next day. It’s not fair. So make a conscious effort to feel and look hot for the rest of the summer. Indulge in the ice cream (or the fro yo) but don’t feel guilty (wasted emotion).  And do a little more the next day. So if that means switching to almond milk (my latest obsession), drinking more water or running an extra mile to feel great then do it!  Style really does come from the inside out…